Hi there! I am

Kevin Moran

Software Engineer |
About Me!
My name is Kevin Moran, I am a recent graduate of Computer Science from St. Edward’s University. I am seeking a challenging opportunity in the technology field to gain further experience and knowledge.
I would consider myself a “jack of all trades, but a master of none”, I have knowledge of various languages. Working through various projects and gaining experience with different languages.
My analytical thinking and collaborative approach to software development are something that I am quite proud of. I try to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and am always eager to explore new technologies to deliver the best solutions.
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Check out My GitHub
where I have uploaded some projects, and homeworks!
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My Resume
Check out my resume and feel
free to download it!
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Contact Me!
Want to get a hold of me? Here are some ways you can:

Email: Kevinm9900@gmail.com

linkedIn: Kevin Moran
website created by: Kevin Moran